| Japan Info Getting to know Japan: links to major sites on Japan, online magazine sites, Japanese language (Nihongo) sites, kanji learning, finding jobs in Japan. Most sites listed here are in English. This site is run by Sam Ito, a former Japan Times editor. 日本を知る・紹介するサイトのリンク(海外向け)。多くは英文です。To properly view garbled characters, if any, your PC needs a Japanese-character decoder (or go to this site for help).
piqniq.jp Piqniq is a social network for English-speaking families living in Japan. Our goal is to create a Japan-specific online community and information resource to help you and your family get things done in a country where simple tasks can easily become complicated. cf. JT ad 06/11/28p1 Japan Focus politics, economics, society, culture Kids Web Japan
日本についての英語総合情報。公的サイト。基本的なことをやさしく学べます。 www.japan-guide.com Schauwecker's Guide to Japan The Quirky Japan Homepage http://www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/~edjacob/ 日英対訳 日本文化キーワード事典 www.japanlink.co.jp/ka/index.html Live/In/Japan 日本在住の方が作った日本紹介。うがった見方もあり面白い。
Stanford Japan Guide Comprehensive. Akibanana.com Akihabara in English Blogs: Japan Economy News & Blog Japan Probe
Manga Guide to Japan
Police 110 (phone number. This
is an equivalent of 911 in the U.S.) Medical Resources in Japan (U.S. embassy, list of English-speaking doctors) Search TOKYO hospitals/clinics by location/station. Find English-speaking doctors, enquiries on Japanese medical system. Emergency translation services through phone when you are visiting a doctor. ("Himawari" English version) Medical Interview Sheet Translation System (M3) Select your symptoms in English and M3 translates them to the other languages. Earthquake preparedness Big survival manual Post-earthquake relief (Tokyo) Keep tall/heavy furniture pieces away from you bed. During a quake, they would fly in the air to crush your brain in your sleep. 5,000 people were crushed to death in the 1995 Kobe quake. Japan Helpline Emergency help. "Whether it is an earthquake, the subway gas attack, or just a toothache in the middle of the night, we are always first to help as Japan's only 24 hour, nationwide assistance service for the international community." Emergency calls (Minato City site) Crime: Tokyo police information and inquiries. For info on police related matters or for giving opinions and placing requests, call 03-3501-0110 (dialing phone) or #9110 (touch-tone phone) 8:30a.m. to 5:15p.m. on weekdays. Crime, driver's license, lost and found. Guide for foreign residents (Tokyo) U.S. passports; driving in Japan; marriage in Japan (U.S. embassy) Visas (Education Japan site) Immigration offices in Japan (JapanVisitor site) Foreign resident registration -- see local government sites. Tokyo Japanese Citizenship Issues/ dual citizenship Arrests and jail in Japan Visit the "Safety and Security" section of the American Citizens Services page on the Web site of the U.S. Consulate in Japan Your country's embassy in Japan Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry, Gaimusho) United Nations
Your first move: Those living outside Japan need to get work visas. Whatever
you wish to do in Japan eventually (such as working at The Japan Times as journalist), your first move is to get whatever job you can, get a work visa and
live in Japan.
http://www.jetprogramme.org/index.html JET www.jetprogramme.com JET体験談・日本で教えるためのアドバイス JET(Japan Exchange and Teaching program) でALTとして1998-99年に長野高校で教えた英国人David Chandlerさんのサイト。JETで日本に行く人たちのため、彼はThe JET Programme: Getting Both Feet Wetという本を書いた(紹介記事The Japan Times 01/6/22p15 BigDaikon,com is the place for past, present and future JETs ELT News English teaching in Japan British
Council Resources for JETs Big English/other languge conversation schools: Some of them, including AEON, recruit outside Japan. GEOS AEON Gaba NOVA --- under new management following a 2007 bankruptcy No sex Culture clash
JobTimes a bilingual job search, run by The Japan Times Pick up The Japan Times on a Monday for the largest selection of jobs in Japan for English-speaking people. See Classified ads. 国際日本語研修協会 日本で勉強している留学生のためのアルバイト情報 in Japanese
Career Cross Japan http://www.careercross.com
Jobs in Japan
http://www.jobsinjapan.com Let's Japan information about the realities of teaching eikaiwa スペースアルク国際派就職 for Japanese www.eigoJob.com for Japanese ↑ Your first move:
Get a journalism
degree or attend a course in a related field. This is not required, but will
stand out in your resume. Better still if you have a writing/editing job
experience back home. Employers pay attention when qualified people apply
for a position. If
you are already in Japan:
There aren't that many writing positions in Japan, and
some firms don't even bother to place wanted ads. You may need to contact them to see if
there have openings. Recommended books: Associated Press Guide to Newswriting Associated Press Stylebook So You Want to be a Writer (in Japan)? How to be a writer Find a freelance writing job How to write and get published Writing job application letters Resume writing Google on "be a writer" Return to INDEX
Nihongo Mailing List http://homepage.mac.com/nihongoml/
Smart.fm flash
cards easy to create your own iKnow
(flash-card app), Dictation (type what you hear), BrainSpeed (a game) E-Kanji www.geocities.com/easykanji dictionary
ひらひらの ふりがねめがね furigana Nihongo Web downloadable visual aids Basic Conversation (medical terms, etc.) This Miyazaki Prefecture site contains lots of helpful tips for living in Japan. Learn
Japanese Through Anime Five-Minute Japanese BILINGUAL is a Japanese study section appearing every Thursday in The Japan Times. Hiragana Times A bilingual monthly. Every Japanese story comes with an English translation, with furigana on all kanjis. There is a Web version, too. J-Life Free magazine for students of Japanese 日本に暮らすさまざまな国籍の人々と一緒に作っていくフリーペーパー JT05/10/8p3 eduFire video learning
Nippon Voice Blog www.JapanesePod101.com Kanda Podsayings Japanese Classical Literature at Bedtime Learn Japan
www.alpha.ac.jp Business Japanese, 日本語教師養成講座も www.ajalt.org Japanese for busy people www.naganuma-school.or.jp www.ala-japan.com 日本語教師養成講座も www.arc.eg.com/nihongo/ www.kaij.jp www.evergreen.gr.jp www.sng.ac.jp www.incul.com 日本語教師養成講座も www.nichibei.ac.jp/jli www.kicl.net Business Japanese Proficiency Test www.jetro.go.jp/bjt Learn Japanese ↑ Major
sites アルク 伊藤サム 無料英語学習.com 英語を学ぶすべての人へ 英語かけこみ寺 エイゴタウン 百万人の英語 英語ナビ 英語と闘うぺぇじ かかってこい!英会話 英語大好きおどろきワールド 創育English
英語独学室 A.C.E.
英語TOEIC英検の勉強法 ★English
Club Antimoon.com BBC
World Service English as 2nd language Amazon Japan (free domestic shipping for orders \1,500 or higher), bestseller/ESL links
↑Amazon (U.S.) nonfiction bestsellers; Japanese language bestsellers
Return to INDEX http://www.tokyo.to Tokyo Journal http://kto.co.jp Kansai Time Out http:///www.xene.net/english/index.htm http://www.twics.com/~anzu/index.html The New Observer http://www.tokyopocketguide.com/index.html www.midnighteye.com/index.php movies www.japan-zone.com/modern/index.shtml movie stars, ... www.peter.hoflich.com/JapanMusic.html music guide www.airmassive.com Japanese pop culture, especially the music scene www.sunfield.ne.jp/~mike/index2.htm Radio JFDS's Japanese Oldies www.anchovyrecords.com music label www.realtokyo.com club www.photojpan.org/showcase/index.html Photo Japan www.art-japan.com/e online art gallery, street fashions of Harajuku youth www.stomptokyo.com/godzillatemple for Godzilla fans www.bekoku-ongaku.com/index_e.html Beikoku Ongaku music magazine www.compositemag.com/composite/e/e_main.html fashion magazine www.plus81.com graphic design magazine www.shift.jp.org graphic designers www.skijapanguide.com/index.php Ski Japan Guide www.skysoft.co.jp books www2.gol.com/users/coynerhm/understanding_japan.htm Understanding Japan www.coolgirlsjapan.com/home_e.html independent young women www.esake.com sake expert www.blacktokyo.com/webring/index.html Tokyo's first black urban web site www.gate39.com all aspects of life in Japan www.japanhomesearch.com H&R Consultants upscale accommodation www.geocities.co.jp/Berkeley/1131 Internet Free Riders www.ispjapan.org Internet Service Provider guide to types of Internet access in Japan www.keibunsha.com The Japan Tatoo Institute ↑ Friendster.com Link friends and friends of friends! MySpace.com For music fanatics. Orkut.com Invitation only. TheFaceBook.com For students. Beautifulpeople.net(U.S.) Beautifulpeople.net(Japanese) It's "online dating minuse ugly people." The Japan Times 07/12/4p18 www.GuessWhatIHeard.com For the easily amused. www.Tribe.com For the indecisive. 43things.com For goal-oriented people.
BigDaikon,com is the place for past, present and future JETs. ■e-mail discussion groups CataList www.lsoft.com/catalist.html
Search other international parties
Outdoor Japan includes Onsen (spa) Guide www.sunfield.ne.jp/~mike Japan from the Driver's Seat www.outdoorjapan.com You can meet Japanese and non-Japanese people through activities. like hiking, camping, hot springs, cycling, boating, rock climbing and more Japan Cycling Navigator www.t3.rim.or.jp/~sayori/ Kampgrounds of America www.koa.com/where/japan has their own Internet access
Travel agencies (flights, tours):NumberOneTravel AcrossTravel JTB Kinki HIS Travel search engines (global ones) Popular: Orbitz Travelocity Expedia Travel aggregators: www.cheapflights.com yahoo.farechase.com www.kayak.com www.mobissimo.com www.sidestep.com Japan for Visitors http://gojapan.about.com/
www.ease.com/~randyj/rjjapani.htm Favorite getaways in rural Japan www.jandodd.com/japan travel guide www.admillion.com/j-guide/index.htm Japan Sight-Seeing Guide 47 prefectures of Japan www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Cove/5750/index.html Japanese Railways Page. The Wind Site: Roommate and Guest Houses in Japan Inexpensive and fun! Japanese Inn Group The most popular is the Sawanoya, a great place to meet other travelers Japanese Guest Houses Reserve a room at a "ryokan" (traditional Japanese inn) anywhere in Japan. Free reservation service. Maps Google > Japan > Travel and Tourism Click "Lodging." ■Apartments for rent Welcome Chintai Run by the Japan Property Management Association. Anshin-Chintai あんしん賃貸(Safe Rental Housing) This government-run site includes a limited data base of apartments for rent that readily accept non-Japanese. Useful if you face housing discrimination against foreigners. The-You Inc.
English-language dailies The
Japan Times Asahi.com
English IHT/Asahi
Daily Yomiuri Mainichi
Daily News Nikkei Net
Interactive Stars & Stripes ↑ ↑ Friends Reunited traces old school friends. www.1837online.com traces your British ancestors. It indexes every birth, marriage and death in England and Wales since records were centralized in 1837. e-magazines Ezine Directory www.ezine-dir.com Contact webmaster Your comments may be quoted on my site/books. Requests for anonymity will be honored.
○Hey Sam! ------------ Hi Ken, I just read some your essays and they were all very interesting and informative, including how you got hooked on the language and how you overcame teenage troubles. Many people will benefit by learning about the practical ways you mastered Japanese. So I'll be placing a link to your site. http://homepage1.nifty.com/samito/Japan.info.htm#Nihongo Thanks and gambatte, Sam 2012/30/07 ------------------ Hi Sam!
○oita bridger Jul/15/03 Hi, Sam, You do have one of the greatest collection of links and all! I have not seen a collection like this kind anywhere. Please do keep up the good work. Thanks, You can call me Simon. My job is bridging so I call myself the "bridger"
○You should list the Snow Japan website on your page, it would be useful as it is an excellent site. www.snowjapan.com Pete Jun/7/04